
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Palappam(Laced Rice Pancake)

Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 5 min
Serves: 3

Ingredients measure:-

Sona Masoori Rice(Pachari) : 3 cups
Cooked rice: 2 tbsp
Coconut milk-3/4  cup grated- 1 ½  cup
Sugar: 1 tbsp
Active Dry Yeast: 3 tsp
Gingely Oil: 1 cup


1)      Through wash first and soak (min 7 hrs) the rice in a vessel in 5 cups of fresh water
2)      Soak dry yeast in warm water with sugar for 15 mins or till the upper layer turns frothy.
3)      Grind together soaked and strained rice with coconut milk, yeast, sugar and cooked rice.
4)      Make it to a fine paste and keep it overnight for fermentation.
5)      The next morning mix 1 tsp salt and stir with a ladle.
6)      Keep it aside for 5 more mins.
7)      Heat a palappam chatti or a round nonstick kadai.
8)      Pour 1 ½ ladle of the batter and swirl the kadai in a clockwise manner by taking it of the stove.
9)      Keep it back on stove with the lid closed on slow flame.
10)  If needed drizzle some oil into the appam.
11)  When the laced sides turned out crispy take it out slowly from the sides with a flat spoon.
12)  Serve hot with spicy egg/coconut milk curry/ chicken/fish curry.
Note:- To make coconut milk- In a mixie, grind one cup grated coconut with half cup water and sieve to get the first milk. Then again grind the residual grinded coconut with two cups water and sieve to get second milk.

On pouring the first milk take extra cake to stir and cook in slow flame or else the dish will be a mess.

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